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College of Business and Economics

我们的本科课程提供以学生为中心的教育,以学术卓越和个人发展为基础. We empower our students to change their lives, 他们领导的组织和他们服务的社区. 我们拥有超过77,000名校友的网络是南加州商业的推动力.


AACSB accreditation mark

由AACSB认证的加州最大的商学院, 也是奥兰治县唯一一家拥有商业和会计双重认证的学校

Best Online Programs - U.S. News & World Report Rankings


Mihaylo Hall

Best Colleges - U.S. News & World Report Rankings

Students wearing CSUF gear


Money Magazine Best College badge



College of Distinction: Business badge



Graduating student hoisting CFA Institute trophy



Why Choose College of Business and Economics

我们学院提供了与行业领袖交流的机会, 参加当地和全国学生挑战赛,提供经验和奖学金资助, and working alongside faculty in conducting research. Internships, service learning, 课外活动的机会和指导让学生有机会启动他们的职业生涯和创业能力,成为商业领袖. 

students talking with a businesswoman

Real-World Connections

就读于奥兰治县唯一一所商科和会计并重的商学院, 你将与近10位同事建立强大的职业关系网,000 business students and over 77,000 alumni worldwide.

students gather in group

Top Industry Internships

你将有机会与迪斯尼这样的组织建立联系并获得实践经验, Goldman Sachs, Paramount Pictures, Boeing and the Big Four accounting firms.

student presenting in front of a boardroom


我们通过商业荣誉课程提供专业指导, Women’s Leadership, 驻院高管和商业同伴辅导项目. 这些项目将你与教师和专业导师相匹配,他们提供行业见解,帮助你开始你的职业生涯.

student pitching an idea to two professors

Extensive Hands-On Programs

Through our Titan Fast Pitch, Titan Capital Management and Startup Incubator programs, 你将有机会向业内专业人士推销商业理念, 管理投资组合,磨练你的领导能力. 学生俱乐部和众多的课外活动也为人际交往、个人和职业发展提供了机会. 

Undergraduate Majors and concentrations

Three undergraduate business students smiling

Bachelor of ArtS

Business Administration

获得丰富的投资组合经验,为您成为全球市场的领导者做好准备. 享受灵活的职业道路,挖掘你的战略思维技能, organizing, assessing risks, managing financial and human resources, and growing successful teams.


  • Accounting
  • Business Analytics
  • Business Economics
  • Decision Sciences
  • Entertainment and Hospitality Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • General Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Information Systems
  • Legal Studies
  • Marketing
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Real Estate
  • Risk Management and Insurance

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Bachelor of ArtS


Earn a wide range of skills highly sought by employers. You will learn to analyze complex issues, 评估数据和建立批判性思维技能,以制定明智的决策和追求金融事业, consulting, investment, data analysis, public policy, research and more.

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Professor lecturing in front of class

Bachelor of ArtS

International Business

我们严谨的学术课程和重要的实践国际商业经验在南加州的全球商业中心的心脏地带提供, 为学生提供国际化公司的就业机会, companies offering international travel, or overseas assignments.


  • Global Trade
  • Intercultural Management

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Two entreprenuerial alums


工商经济学院的卓越中心是教育与社区之间的桥梁. 这些中心为当地企业和政府部门提供服务,并为寻求专业教育的学生和校友提供真实的学术和学习环境. 

Be a Part of the Solution

加入工商经济学院,我们共同建设未来. 支持我们培养下一代商业领袖的愿景,并在指导学生的过程中发现意义.

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